The Red Cross serves up support for people in need

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Post by Stéphane Corbeil, Content Creation Volunteer
Communications Department

For many Canadians in need, COVID-19 brings a whole new set of challenges in terms of food, lodging, hygiene, access to health care, and social interactions. Fewer pedestrians and reduced vehicle traffic mean less charitable giving in public spaces.
It was against this backdrop that the Red Cross supported an initiative to distribute food to the most vulnerable residents of the Ville-Marie borough on March 28 and 29, at the request of the City of Montreal.
Eight volunteers stationed at Cabot Square (Atwater Metro) and Place Émilie-Gamelin (Berri-UQÀM Metro) were joined by a Canadian Red Cross global health lead and local caseworkers.

The volunteers were carefully instructed on COVID-19 precautions when they arrived at 7 a.m., such as donning gloves and masks, distancing themselves and handing out food safely. Once everyone understood and had applied the guidelines, they began distributing food in collaboration with the other organizations (such as Resilience Montreal and borough personnel).
Mobilized with less than 24 hours of notice, the Red Cross volunteers were on site from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. over the two days. Their simple gestures, carried out with respect and kindness, were visibly appreciated by these women and men whose daily lives have been disrupted and will undoubtedly continue to be impacted for several weeks to come.

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