Being prepared means thinking about the possibilities. Knowledge and planning do not cost anything but our own fears may prevent us from considering hazards and their impact.
- Know the risks in your community
- Have an emergency plan in place
- Prepare an emergency kit
How to prepare for flooding
- Know the flood risk in your community by calling your municipality and insurance company.
- Monitor local weather and alerts
- Protect your valuables in waterproof containers. Place them above potential water levels.
- Put sealant around basement windows and the base of ground-level doors.
- Talk with your family and neighbours about what you would do during a flood.
- Have practice drills with your family, so you know what to do and are prepared.
How to be safe around ice
Changing air temperatures also affect ice thickness. While it is fun to skate on frozen ponds, be aware of ice stability prior to stepping on it.The colour of ice may be an indication of its strength. Clear blue ice is strongest. White opaque or snow ice is half as strong as blue ice. Opaque ice is formed by wet snow freezing on the ice. Grey ice is unsafe. The grayness indicates the presence of water.
Ice thickness should be:
- 15 cm for walking or skating alone
- 20 cm for skating parties or games
- 25 cm for snowmobiles.
Don’t spring so quickly
Be sure to plan accordingly so don’t jump into spring so quickly that it could increase risks, such as removing snow tires too early. Be aware of road conditions, such as black ice, and make sure you have an emergency kit for your car. Don’t have one? Read how to make an emergency kit for your car.
Be Ready
As a family, discuss what types of disasters are most likely to happen in your community, especially at this time of year. Call your local municipality and ask what types of hazards are common in your area and the emergency plans in place including shelters and evacuation routes.Consider if you live alone or with a family; if you have children or people who need additional support due to health or mobility issues; if you live in a high rise, a basement apartment or a house.
All of these factors, and more, will influence what you need to know, how you plan and what you need in your preparedness kit.
For more tips on being ready for emergencies, visit