Yasmine kindly agreed to tell us more about her journey and her career.
Did you always have an interest in the humanitarian aid sector?
I didn’t, at least not directly. During my teenage years, I started developing an interest in diplomacy and my parents strongly encouraged me to follow that path. That is what led me to study Political Science and Legal Studies at University Jean Moulin in Lyon (France). My passion for humanitarian work naturally came when I started to understand the complexity of the world we live in. It has sparked a desire to find concrete ways to help.
What would you say is the most rewarding part about your profession?
There are no words to describe the feeling you get from being a part of a movement bigger than yourself. Working as an aid worker means being surrounded by people that share the same passion, aspiration and purpose. You get to see the result of your hard work on both a small and a large scale. I feel fortunate to work with people who put their body and soul into their work. For my part, this profession allows me to be resilient; I am constantly being challenged and have earned to be versatile and to be ready for all circumstances. From my experience, nothing compares to the lifestyle on the field and that alone is worth it.
Among the projects you were a part of, which one is the most meaningful to you?
What advice would you give your younger self entering this field?
I wish I could tell my younger self to apply herself even harder in her studies! The truth is; you are the only one stopping yourself! I got lucky enough to meet wonderful people who saw potential in me and that were willing to help with my personal and professional growth. This field is not easy, and it is not as glamorous as it may seem from the outside. You must learn to become comfortable being uncomfortable. Keep your passion alive, stay dedicated and be patient! There are so many inspiring and successful people in this field and none of them have the same path. Invest in yourself by staying committed to your plan and by cultivating an environment that will allow to grow.
Dourrice Adamson is an International Development student at Laval University in Québec City. She is an advocate for gender equity, diversity and inclusion as well as youth engagement in her community. As a committed member of many student associations she helped organize workshops, conferences and round tables to bring awareness on social causes that are not enough addressed in Québec City.