Here are some tips to prevent and, if it does happen – as accidents are wont to do when kids are involved - to treat sunburns, even for adults who accidentally have too much fun in the sun:
Keep safe in the sun:
- Drink plenty of cool fluids — this is the most important step you can take.
- Apply sunscreen (with SPF 15 or higher) as sunburned skin reduces the body’s ability to cool itself – apply sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before sun exposure and 30 minutes after exposure begins, then reapply after kids have been swimming or sweating.
- Look for shade to play in.
- Know the humidex rating — it combines the temperature and humidity to indicate how hot, humid weather feels.
- Take a lot of breaks in a cool or shady area to let your body cool off.
- Slow down your activities as it gets hotter and don’t work, exercise, or play for too long at a time (keep kids out of the sun during peak times)
- Wear light, loose clothing and always wear a hat
What to do for sunburn:
It’s best to prevent sunburn but it can happen. Reddened skin, pain in the area of the burn and blistering are indicators of sunburn. If they do get sunburned:
- Cover their skin with lightweight clothing and move them out of the sun and into the shade, or indoors if possible.
- Encourage them to keep taking sips of cold water – give extra fluids for the next two to three days
- Cool the skin by sponging it gently with cool water, or by soaking the sore skin in a cold bath or shower for no more than ten minutes. Repeat this if it helps ease soreness.
- If the burn doesn't blister, then it is mild. Apply calamine lotion or after-sun lotion to help soothe the skin.
- If the burn blisters or there is other skin damage, then it is severe and they’ll need to see a doctor.
- When going outside, all sunburned areas should be fully covered to protect the skin from the sun until healed.
Seek emergency medical care if
- a sunburn forms blisters or is extremely painful
- your child has facial swelling from a sunburn
- a sunburn covers a large area
- your child has fever or chills after getting sunburned
- your child has a headache, confusion, or a feeling of faintness
- you see signs of dehydration (increased thirst or dry eyes and mouth)
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