Red Cross responds to worst flooding in decades to hit Peru

A series of record-breaking downpours in Peru engorged rivers and caused the worst flooding in decades to hit the country.  Almost 800,000 people have been impacted, and over 176,000 houses have been damaged or destroyed.  The waters also triggered landslides which wiped away people, crops, and buildings. The Red Cross is actively scaling up its response to flooding, mudslides and other issues caused by the rains.

In response, the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) and Peruvian Red Cross have launched an emergency appeal with the aim of supporting 50,000 people in the worst affected areas of Piura, Tumbes, Lambayeque, and La Libertad.

The damage from the floods has left tens of thousands homeless and rainfall is expected to continue into April. Because of the landslides and flood waters, access to remote communities is limited, and as a result more people are expected to become affected by the floods.  Damaged and destroyed buildings, roads, hospitals, schools and crops also leave people particularly vulnerable.

Following a disaster like this, disease can easily spread due to unsanitary water and difficulty accessing medical care. Red Cross volunteers will work with communities to implement epidemic and disease prevention programs; this includes things like community education in early detection and prevention of diseases and campaigns in communities to help control outbreaks.

Red Cross teams will also provide impacted families with clean water and water containers, along with basic hygiene supplies. Another key focus of the operation will be helping communities rebuild lost or damaged livelihoods.

The Canadian Red Cross has a presence in Panama, and is coordinating with the IFRC and supporting the mobilization of regional Red Cross teams.

Canadians can help by making a donation to the International Disaster Relief Fund

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