- Regularly check rmwb.ca and redcross.ca/albertafiresinfo for up-to-date information
- Refer to the Re-entry Information Booklet for information and steps to take as you return home, including checking for hazards, mold, smoke damage, etc.
- Ensure you have your Red Cross registration number and proper ID upon re-entry
- Practice safety and caution (wear appropriate clothing)
- Wear an N-95 dust mask. One mask will be provided for each family in their Red Cross clean-up kits. Additional dust masks will be provided by the Canadian Red Cross in information centres
- Once re-entry begins, those returning should be prepared with basic necessities for 14 days
- All appliances should be cleaned and disinfected
- Residents should access Information Centres - Red Cross resources are available, including hygiene and clean-up kits
The Canadian Red Cross is working closely with municipal, provincial, and federal partners to ensure Canadians displaced by the Alberta Wildfires receive the assistance and support they need in the months and years to come. For more information about preparing for re-entry, take a look at the Re-entry Information Booklet.