Take a First Aid course. Knowing what to do in an emergency can be empowering and save lives
- Write more letters. Letter writing can feel like a bit of a lost art, but a handwritten letter is a great way to stay connected and let friends and family know you’re thinking of them
- Volunteer. Giving back to your community and donating your time to a great cause can make a positive impact in your life and the lives of others. Learn more about volunteering with the Red Cross.
Be prepared.
- Having a kit with enough supplies to support your family’s needs for at least 72 hours can help keep you safe during an emergency or disaster. Learn more here.
- Making a plan for what to do during an emergency or disaster can help protect you and your family.
- Install smoke detectors on each floor of your home, check them once a month and change the batteries twice a year at daylight savings time
- Master a new talent. You can find all sorts of free tutorials for all sorts of new skills online, like coding, cake decorating, or even learning a new language.
Give back. A monthly donation to the Canadian Red Cross helps us support people in need in Canada and around the world.
- Take a screen break. Put your phone away, turn off the laptop and TV for an hour or two a day, or if you’re feeling particularly ambitious, take a full day a week that is screen-free.