Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.
Indonesia: The Indonesian Red Cross is providing support and assistance to the community affected by the recent plane crash in Medan. The society sent 20 volunteers in response to the accident, where an Indonesian Air Force plane had crashed into a residential area in the country’s third largest city. The plane exploded into flames and slammed into several homes and a hotel. Local reports say the buildings were largely empty at the time of the crash, but the death toll is expected to rise as search-and-rescue workers comb through the site. The Red Cross is also on hand to provide psychosocial support to those affected by the disaster.
Sierra Leone: With cases of Ebola still surfacing in Sierra Leone on a weekly basis, the Sierra Leone Red Cross has installed information kiosks throughout the country to serve as a point of reference to communities. Each district has ten mobile kiosks strategically located at road sides, within slum areas, and at informal border crossings. Manning the kiosks are volunteers from the community who are trusted and recognized by their neighbours. They are able to engage passers-by in their local language and are aware of the culture and customs. It is this advantage that is key to imparting health guidance and information to people concerning not only Ebola, but other potential outbreak risks like measles and cholera.