The effects of flooding can be devastating, but there are ways for individuals to help keep themselves safe. Follow the steps below to protect yourself and your family if you are experiencing flooding:
If you are at home:
- Turn off power and gas lines, if necessary;
- Place your valuables on the upper floor of your house;
- Remain on the upper floor and wait for instructions from your local authorities.
If you are away from home:
- Stay away from swollen streams and rivers, since moving waters can sweep you away, even if you are in a car;
- Head to elevated areas;
- Remain in an area where you are visible and safe.
If you are in your car:
- Be careful when driving – puddles can be deeper than you think;
- Go to an elevated area and park your car there;
- Turn off the engine, get out of your vehicle and wait.
After the flooding has ended, continue to take precautions, while listening and following directions from local authorities.
Floods are one of the most common disasters in Canada. While half of Canadians say they have experienced at least two types of disasters, such as power outages or flooding, about 66 percent of those polled by Red Cross in 2012 said they have not taken the steps to prepare for possible disasters. Floods can happen anywhere and at any time. It's important to be prepared to keep yourself and your family safe before, during and after flooding.
Learn more about planning for floods.