Animal instincts in times of disaster

Should we follow animals’ leads when it comes to natural disasters?

For centuries, many have argued that animals can predict natural disasters. Some experts believe animals may have a sixth sense allowing them to sense impending natural disasters long before we humans can. Over the years, numerous studies have been conducted to try to prove a link to animal behaviours and their sensitivities to electromagnetic field variations.

Although it would be pretty cool, unfortunately, humans don’t seem to possess this “spidey” sense when it comes to natural disasters. Instead we rely on technologies, training and preparedness. 

We may not be able to predict impending disasters, but we can surely be prepared for them. The Red Cross encourages families to be ready by knowing the risks in your community, making a plan, and assembling or buying a disaster kit. You can also register for one of our first aid training.

Check out this video on the fascinating topic of animal behaviour and natural disasters.

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