Today’s photo of the day is taken from the American Red Cross. Pictured above is James Medina, who was attending school in Port-au-Prince, when the earthquake in Haiti occurred three years ago.
Medina was trapped under the rubble for an entire day, but was one of the six from his classroom that survived.
Eight days after Medina was rescued, he lost his leg because of infection and blood clots.
He’s now studying to be an ortho-prosthetist, a technician who specializes in creating prosthetic devices for amputees. He studies under a group of technicians from Healing Hands for Haiti, where he attends workshops and classes in the group’s new Port-au-Prince out-patient rehabilitation facility.
The American Red Cross and the International Committee of the Red Cross supported the construction and operation of the Healing Hands for Haiti clinic, investing in the health and livelihoods of the thousands who became amputees after the quake. Read more about the Healing Hands for Haiti clinic here.