*Guest blog by Fatima Fadel, Red Cross youth volunteer and conference co-chair
Inspiring youth to become active global leaders, many panelists and speakers were invited to motivate and engage the youth.
Day 1
We kicked off Friday night with a Scavenger Hunt where eager teams scattered through the halls of the conference centre in pursuit of victory.
The Challenge: to locate 9 posts and pass tests based on each post.
The Mission: to win!
Day 2
Waking up for a 7 am breakfast on Saturday, the young Red Crossers stumbled out of bed and into an activity filled day.
The day started off on a serious note, with guest speaker Marty Van Doren, a retired RCMP officer, speaking about the shocking realities of human trafficking.
The day continued with inspirational workshops and visits to the Tradeshow (prepared by Woodstock Branch President Len Murphy and the Woodstock branch youth). Everyone came away with a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. Youth were inspired to engage and develop their skills, to stand up and take action for humanity.
Saturday night ended with lights, cameras and a lot of colour at the Colour Me Crazy themed dance hosted by the UWO Red Cross Club.
Day 3
Sunday morning, youth listened intently as John Davidson, gave a heart-felt speech and told youth to go after their dreams.
As the conference came to an end, exchanges of phone numbers and Facebook accounts were made, and new friends said their goodbyes. Overall, it was an amazing weekend! On behalf of the conference committee and the London Youth,
Thank you for joining us!
Until next year ... Stand strong and remember, together we are: the voices for humanity!