I met a few clients during my first day as a Meals on Wheels volunteer. There is definitely one in particular that I will never forget.

Red Cross roving reporter, Jen Mayville, experienced what it's like to be a Meals on Wheels volunteer this week.
After receiving instructions from my driver/mentor Eddie, I knocked on the door and entered the apartment of an elderly woman to deliver her meal. Eddie told me in advance that she was really friendly and liked to chat. Because of his description, I was looking forward to meeting her.
“Meals on Wheels,” I said. “How are you today?”
“I’m very well dear, you can just leave the meal on the kitchen counter,” said the tiny lady, with white hair, wide-brimmed glasses and a big smile while sitting on her couch. A collection of colourful little stuffed animals was behind her, sitting on the top of floral-patterned couch leaning up against the wall.
She went on to tell me that she just turned 90 years-old and had a big birthday party with her loved ones, and was showered with flowers and balloons. She was so excited and smiling while sharing the stories of her party with me. I then shared with her that it was my first day as a Meals on Wheels volunteer.
“That’s wonderful my dear. Thank you. Thank you so much,” she said, so full of gratitude for me simply bringing her a meal.
Seeing how truly genuine and grateful she was, I found myself getting a little teary eyed. I told her that I had to leave to deliver the next meal, but I very much enjoyed meeting her.
“Thank you so much for volunteering, and all the good work you are doing,” she said.
And with that, I was out the door, heading to see the next client, with a feeling that I had made a small difference in her life. It made my day.