News Releases (Page 29)

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Red Cross receives first patients in field hospital in the Philippines

November 21, 2013 - Today, doctors treated their first patients in the Canadian Red Cross emergency field hospital in the Philippines.

George Weber first Canadian to receive international humanitarian award

November 15, 2013 - Today, at a ceremony held at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre in Sydney Australia, George Weber, President and CEO of the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group and long-time Red Cross contributor was presented with the Henry Davison Award by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

Canadian Red Cross deplores the deaths of Syrian Arab Red Crescent aid workers, now confirmed at 31

November 14, 2013 -

Last week, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent confirmed nine more deaths among their aid workers, bringing the number of Red Crescent workers in Syria who have died while delivering humanitarian services to 31. The confirmation came after the National Society re-established contact with two of its sub-branches, which were cut off due to on-going clashes in the area. This includes the loss of a worker who was transporting an injured person in a clearly marked Red Crescent ambulance.

Canadian banks accepting donations for Red Cross relief efforts following Typhoon Haiyan

November 14, 2013 - The Canadian Red Cross is pleased to announce that nine banks in Canada are accepting cash donations in support of Red Cross relief efforts in communities affected by Typhoon Haiyan. 

Canadian Red Cross to deploy state-of-the-art field hospital

November 13, 2013 - Today, the Canadian Red Cross will deploy its field hospital to the Philippines, to provide basic health and surgical care to communities affected by Super Typhoon Haiyan. 

Canadian Red Cross thanks Government of Canada for Typhoon Haiyan donation matching program

November 11, 2013 - The Canadian Red Cross is thanking the Government of Canada for its decision to match donations made to charitable organizations in support of relief efforts in communities affected by Typhoon Haiyan.

Canadian Red Cross asking Canadians to help those affected by Typhoon Haiyan

November 08, 2013 - The Canadian Red Cross is now accepting donations to help those affected by Typhoon Haiyan, the strongest typhoon to hit the Philippines this year. The humanitarian impact of Haiyan threatens to be colossal. 

Canadians not confident they could respond to a heart attack: New Red Cross app helps users provide life-saving first aid

November 07, 2013 - Nearly 40 per cent of Canadians say they have been in an emergency situation where they have had to perform first aid, but few believe they could help someone suffering a heart attack.

Respect us – Protect us

October 30, 2013 -

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement calls on all parties to the conflict in Syria to respect the work of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, and to guarantee the safety of aid workers and their unimpeded, immediate access to people in need across Syria. We also call on all those who have an influence on the ground to help us ensure aid can reach those most in need.

Humanitarian Access and the Respect and Protection of Medical and Humanitarian Personnel, Facilities and Transport in Syria

October 05, 2013 - The Canadian Red Cross welcomes Minister Paradis’ call for humanitarian agencies to have free, safe, and unhindered access to those in need, and for the respect and protection of medical and humanitarian personnel, facilities, and transport.