News Releases : Emergencies and Disasters Worldwide (Page 4)

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Emergencies and Disasters Worldwide

Libya and Syria: Canadian Red Cross condemns more deaths in the line of duty

June 05, 2014 - On Wednesday, June 4, the Canadian Red Cross learned of the killing of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) staff member Michael Greub in Sirte, Libya. The 42-year-old Swiss national, head of the organization's Misrata sub-delegation, was killed by armed men around midday yesterday in the city of Sirte, as he was leaving a meeting with two colleagues.

Six months after Typhoon Haiyan made landfall, the Red Cross continues to support affected communities

May 08, 2014 - Six months on from the devastating typhoon that struck the Philippines, millions of people remain in a precarious situation. The Canadian Red Cross is committed to supporting long-term needs of survivors and will work alongside Red Cross partners in undertaking a holistic and integrated approach to the recovery operation. 

Three years on: Red Cross calls for end to humanitarian tragedy in Syria

March 14, 2014 - Today, the Canadian Red Cross joins with Red Cross Red Crescent Movement partners around the world in calling for an end to the humanitarian tragedy in Syria.

Canadian Red Cross condemns the killing of an ICRC staff member in Central African Republic

March 10, 2014 - On March 8, the Canadian Red Cross learned of the killing of a staff member from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in northern Central African Republic. The ICRC reports that the killing occurred in connection with the violence in Ndele. Armed men entered the Catholic mission in Ndele where four ICRC staff were quartered and killed one of them. The other three are safe.

Civil Unrest in Ukraine

March 05, 2014 - The Canadian Red Cross is closely monitoring the civil unrest in Ukraine and will provide assistance as needed along with other members of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

Syria: Humanitarian convoys must not be targeted

February 10, 2014 - On Saturday, February 8, after several hours of negotiation, trucks from the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) loaded with humanitarian aid and accompanied by a United Nations vehicle, entered the old town of Homs in Syria.

Canadian Red Cross deplores the death of another Syrian Arab Red Crescent aid worker

January 22, 2014 -

Ottawa, January 22, 2013 – On January 8, Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) volunteer Hekmat Mohamad Kerbaj died in hospital, five months after his disappearance. He was found on a sidewalk in Jaramana, in Rural Damascus, on January 5 and taken to hospital, but his condition proved to be fatal.

Canadian Red Cross surgical team to assist in South Sudan conflict

January 20, 2014 - A team of five Canadian Red Cross medical personnel is deploying to South Sudan to increase the International Committee of the Red Cross’ (ICRC) surgical capacity in communities affected by the recent armed conflict.

Four years after the earthquake, the Red Cross continues to support communities in Haiti

January 09, 2014 - Four years on from the devastating earthquake in Haiti, the Red Cross continues to help earthquake survivors rebuild and recover.  To date, the Red Cross has helped five million earthquake survivors through health, shelter, water and sanitation and other basic needs.

Canadian banks extend deadline for accepting donations for Red Cross relief efforts following Typhoon Haiyan

December 12, 2013 - Banks across Canada have extended the deadline for accepting donations in support of Red Cross relief efforts in the Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan.