Red Cross Stories (Page 86)

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Calling all shutterbugs on the East Coast

As we continue to see images of young people affected by the unrest and violence unfolding in several countries in Africa and in the Middle East, a group of Canadian Red Cross youth volunteers from Halifax wants to bring attention to the impact confl...

Four kids make an ordinary day extraordinary at Red Cross in Toronto

Last Friday, it appeared at first glance like it would be a regular February day around the Canadian Red Cross Toronto office. However, we had no clue that four children would come by and put a smile on all of our faces. In the morning, an 8-y...

Three cheers for volunteers!

The buzz around Halifax these days is all about the 2011 Canada Games and a Canadian Red Cross staffer is playing an important role at the sporting event – not as an athlete, but as a volunteer. Ancel Langille has temporarily set aside his Red...

The Dark Side of Love in a Digital World

Visit any drug store and you’ll know—love, er Valentine’s Day—is in the air and on the shelves. It’s a good time to reflect on the changing nature of love in a digital world and the need to manage our digital relationships, in good situations, and ba...

Happy Valentine’s Day! Meet couples who volunteer at Red Cross

*Co-written with David St. Georges, community services coordinator at Canadian Red Cross, Sudbury branch * It’s Valentines Day’s – a time to celebrate love and relationships. It has been said that a key to any successful relationship is spending q...

Meet Sophie – the next generation of Red Cross supporters

Red Cross supporters come from all backgrounds and ages. One of our most devoted and youngest supporters is no doubt a 9-year-old named Sophie from Sault Ste. Marie, ON. Last week, Sophie battled a bit of shyness and nerves to stand in front of a ...

You know what lots of snow means: Snow people!

Parts of southwestern Ontario are preparing to be hit by a winter storm, possibly bringing 20-30 cm of snow. And while that amount of snow will make it difficult to get around, there is no better way to spend a snow day than building a snowperson in ...

What is the value of a Red Cross volunteer? A lot

If you could guess the economic worth of all Red Cross, Red Crescent volunteers around the world, what would you say? $100 million US? $500 million US? Try $6 billion US. Yes, you read that right. The International Federation of Red Cross and R...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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