Red Cross Stories (Page 74)

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Bif Naked blogs for Blog Action Day

As part of World Food Day and Blog Action Day, Red Cross Twitter Team member, Bif Naked, has contributed this post to our blog. Bif, an international recording artist and activist, has been very active in supporting the Canadian Red Cross efforts to ...

Fifty years of service honoured with the Order of the Red Cross

*Guest blog by Colleen Lowe, Senior Communications Advisor, Ontario ** Photos by Johan Hallberg-Campbell The world has changed in many ways over the past 50 years, as Sally St. Lewis will tell you. Her experiences as a volunteer with the Red Cr...

Food Friday: We’re feeling thankful

For many of us, Thanksgiving means two things: family and food. We are even more thankful for the latter this year, as we know there are others in the world right now who are not as fortunate– in particular in the Horn of Africa where there is an on-...

Meals on Wheels volunteer keeps on going

October is Community Support Month in Ontario – a time to celebrate and acknowledge our staff and volunteers who provide support to vulnerable members of their communities every day. Every Thursday since November 1987, Doug Bold has volunteered with ...

Recognizing those who have saved a life

A few times on this blog, we have mentioned the Canadian Red Cross Rescuer Award.  This special award was recently presented in Ontario to one Thunder Bay resident and two Windsor-area residents, who truly define what being a hero is all about. ...

Forming a circle of friendship and hope

*Photographs by T. Andrew Morton [slideshow] Inspired is the best way to describe how I felt throughout this week’s launch of the Canadian Red Cross Tiffany Circle.  The Tiffany Circle is an international society of women leaders and philanthro...

Talking teamwork at the Red Cross field hospital

*Guest post by Guy Lepage. Guy is a Red Cross communications delegate. **Photos by Johan Hallberg-Campbell [slideshow] Teamwork. We all know the concept. We have all been part of good, maybe even excellent teams. But, it's the ones whe...

Conquering Kilimanjaro in support of Red Cross

For her 50th birthday, Heather Cranney decided she wanted to do something special and give back to her community. The district branch manager for the Canadian Red Cross Timmins branch is en route to Africa today to conquer Mt. Kilimanjaro. She...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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