Red Cross Programs (Page 19)

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When confidence meets competence in the water

Ah August, when summer is in full bloom. It’s a beautiful time of year with hopefully plenty of sun and heat. It is also the time when you have to start thinking of autumn. For us, that means thinking of activities for our son, particularly swim lessons.

What does drowning sound and look like?

Do you imagine drowning to be splashy and loud, with arms flailing and screams for help, as perhaps seen in a movie? If you thought you could hear if a loved one was drowning, you would be sorely mistaken. The reality is that someone could be drowning a few feet away from you and you wouldn’t know it – because drowning is often silent.

5 ways Red Cross empowers and celebrates women

It’s International Women’s Day so let’s shine a spotlight on some inspiring women who, with barriers removed, show they can achieve amazing success. Here, we pay tribute to the many remarkable women in our organization or who have used our programs as a springboard to enlighten theirs or others’ lives. 

Things to consider for spring break

It’s the time of year when many schools have a spring or March break and often families will take advantage of the time off to travel or get active. Whether it’s preparing to take a tropical trip or getting ready to entertain out-of-school youth, here are some tips to get ready.

In Canada or in Mali, we want what is best for our children

In Mali, most infant deaths are associated with diseases that can be treated with medication. What kills babies, among other things, is that these diseases are often detected too late. Why? There are a number of reasons, but in Koulikoro, in the villages where the Red Cross team is working, one of the biggest reasons seems to have to do with tradition.

Cyberbullying: is your home as safe as you think?

Even though colder months keep kids indoors more frequently, it’s still important to wonder where they are. Even though kids are home, most homes have access to the Internet, increasing the threat of online risks such as cyberbullying. Even inside a home, a youth can feel harassed, threatened and bullied as cyberbullying can be done anonymously and done across all social media and other online platforms.

Why winter is a great time to learn to swim

As many of us Canadians are experiencing, winter months can be cold, icy and snowy – and all we want to do is bundle up and stay warm.  A natural tendency, for sure, but did you know wintertime is a great time to learn how to swim? Here's why.

Reconnecting across continents

A chance encounter at a party changed G’s life forever. Armed conflict and chaos in the Congo ripped her family apart, and after almost a decade of separation and searching, she finally found a path to reunification.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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