Preparedness (Page 24)

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How Atlantic Canada weathered the storm

We always encourage people to know the risks, make a plan and get a kit so they can be ready for any emergency.

While much of Atlantic Canada is digging out from what has been described as a weather bomb, or spring blizzard, we thought we’d check in to see how residents of the Atlantic provinces prepared and got through the storm.

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

Is your family earthquake prepared?

With a couple earthquakes shaking up the west coast in the past few weeks, it's a good opportunity to review your family's preparedness level, especially for those living in British Columbia or other earthquake-prone regions.

Photo of the Day: Volunteers providing first aid in Ukraine

Since protests began in November 2013, the Ukrainian Red Cross' emergency response teams have been providing first aid for those wounded on both sides. They assisted more than 660 people last week during the escalation of violence in Kiev. They are continuing to provide support to those who need it.

Children combine art and disasters with excellent results

A group of students from St. Andrew elementary school in Regina, Saskatchewan recently combined art and disasters, turning a school project into a successful fundraiser. The children investigated natural disasters throughout history, created a piece of art about their chosen disaster and creatively displayed the facts they discovered. The fundraising event brought in nearly $1,000 for the Canadian Red Cross!

Reality check: Ice safety myths

Keeping safe on and around the ice is a critical life skill for many of us here in the Great White North. Regardless, myths abound. Here are a few of the more common myths about ice safety. Remember, ice is never 100% safe, so exercise caution at all times.

Polar vortex and frost quakes, oh my!

We’re barely into January and this winter season has already left us yearning for tropical getaways and the relatively balmy days of spring.
Terms like frost quakes and polar vortex are being tossed about in the media to explain what we’ve been experiencing. These phenomena are not new, but what exactly are they?

Red Cross Holiday Gift Guide

'Tis the season to stuff stockings and wrap carefully selected gifts for our friends and loved ones. But did you know that you could also give the gift of preparedness this holiday? Some Red Crossers have put together  their favourite gift ideas:

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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