Preparedness (Page 10)

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First-hand experiences with first aid app

Recently, I had a couple panic-inducing situations with my five-year-old nephew where I was very glad I had the Canadian Red Cross First Aid app on my phone. It helped mitigate some natural-born panic and saved my nephew some pain since my natural instincts were in direct opposition to what I should do to properly care for him.

Spreading the word to help reduce risks in communities

Many Canadians don't know the risks in their community, so recently Canadian Red Cross volunteers went door-to-door in communities to share information to spread awareness about risks like fires and floods, and the actions residents can take to prepare for potential disasters and emergencies. 

What's missing in your emergency kit ?

One of the best ways to be flood ready is to have an emergency kit in your home with enough supplies to meet your family’s needs for at least 72 hours. Most people remember to put the basics in their kit like, a first aid kit, non-perishable food, and water but there are things you may not think to include that you and your family need.

As a Walmart associate, Carmen is raising funds to help people like her who have been affected by disasters

When the tornadoes hit the Mont-Bleu neighbourhood on September 21st of last year, Carmen was behind the wheel. She had no idea that a tornado was coming. Carmen has been a Walmart associate at the Plateau branch for nearly 10 years and doesn’t carry her cellphone with her at work.

Be ready for flooding checklist

Research shows that only 6% of Canadians are aware of the flood risks in their area. However, there are simple things every homeowner can do to prepare themselves for flooding this season. Be ready for flooding with this checklist.

Do you know the cold, hard facts about winter safety ?

While winter is a beautiful season in Canada, the extreme cold weather and heavy snowfall creates a variety of risks. Are you prepared for emergencies this winter ? Test your winter safety knowledge with this quiz.

Snow day activities to entertain the whole family

With all this unruly winter weather lately, it is important to limit travel as much as possible. If you are snowed in all is not lost. Here are some fun snow day activates to prevent any stir craziness.

What can we do to better prepare communities for floods?

Floods are one of the most common and costly disasters. However, even though flooding is common throughout Canada, most homeowners are unaware of the risk. In 2018, Partners for Action partnered with Canadian Red Cross to develop a project designed to inform Canadians about the risks and create more resilient communities.

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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