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Improving outcomes for mothers and babies after Cyclone Idai

Fatima Olympia is a nurse with advanced training at Nhamatanda District Hospital in the labour and delivery ward. When Cyclone Idai hit Mozambique, it brought destruction across the area, including to the hospital. In response, the Canadian Red Cross, with the support of the Finnish Red Cross, set up an emergency hospital in Nhamatanda to support the District Hospital. With about 300 babies born a month, here is how we're improving outcomes for mothers and babies.

Protecting the most vulnerable during emergencies and disasters

In disasters and emergencies, it’s often the most vulnerable groups that are hardest hit. When regular supports and daily routines are disrupted, it can mean the needs of children, people with disabilities, the elderly and other groups are forgotten. Learn how the Red Cross works to make sure they are not left behind. 

Cholera Treatment Unit discharges its last patient

The Red Cross field hospital in Nhamatanda, Mozambique has reached a major milestone. After two months of operation and more than 200 patients, the last cholera patient has been discharged from the Cholera Treatment Unit. Ten-year-old Sebastiana was in the CTU for three days after being admitted for a severe case of cholera. On Saturday, she got to go home.

A home for expecting mothers in Mozambique

Tucked away at the back of the Nhamatanda hospital grounds, sits a small, faded-yellow house. Following the cyclones in Mozambique, access to healthcare presented a challenge for the people staying there - expectant mothers who now have easy access to care. 

Meet the Mozambique translators: Communicating crucial information on the ground

Because communication is essential, the work of translators is vital. Meet three translators who are helping people impacted by Cyclone Idai and Cyclone Kenneth in Mozambique.  

Mozambique field hospital opens specialized malaria treatment centre

The Red Cross field hospital in Mozambique has opened a specialized malaria treatment centre to support people affected by Cyclone Idai. This is in addition to the existing cholera treatment unit that has been operating at the Nhamatanda rural hospital since early April.

Meet a logistics aid worker at the field hospital in Mozambique

Getting a field hospital from Canada to Nhamatanda in Mozambique on the east coast of Africa is no simple task. Few people understand this challenge better than Garth Tohms, a Canadian Red Cross logistics aid worker. 

Meet a Red Crosser: Yasmine Farret, Risk Management & Security Advisor

Yasmine Farret is a Risk Management and Security Advisor at the Canadian Red Cross. Through her young career, Yasmine has demonstrated her passion for humanitarian work through her dedication and work ethic. Yasmine kindly agreed to tell us more about her journey and her career.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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