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Faces of Humanity: Tanya Grygaski

Guest post by Youth Advisory Comittee member Sara Elkadri. 
I had the pleasure of speaking with Tanya Grygaski, an environmental engineer from Ontario, and minutes into the conversation I could feel Tanya’s passion through the tone of her voice as she shared her stories and experiences from over the years.


Future Face of Humanity

Last week, a group of incredibly talented individuals gathered in Ottawa to attend a week-long Red Cross training session known as IMPACT, short for International Mobilization and Preparation for ACTion. This training includes team building exercises and mock scenarios, all which prepare aid workers to be deployed to the field.

Photo of the day: Box of wishes shares hope from Syria’s children

Canadian Red Cross President and CEO Conrad Sauvé recently returned from a trip to Syria and the surrounding region. See what he brought back from his trip. 

Reviewing impact: two years after the Ebola outbreak

The end of this month marks the second anniversary of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. To honour all we have experienced in the past two years, we have pulled together a compilation of remarkable blogs from the Ebola outbreak.

Q&A with communications aid worker Nicole Robicheau

Canadian Red Cross communications aid worker Nicole Robicheau took a moment to talk to us about why she is a humanitarian. 

Clean water keeps communities safe after flooding

Canadian Red Cross aid worker, Nicole Robicheau, shares the story of Jacinto Martinez Mendez who was impacted by floods in Costa Rica - and how the Red Cross helped. 

Celebrating resilience, strength and vision for International Women's Day

On March 8th, for International Women’s Day, we wanted to share a couple stories of inspiring women who have made a difference in their Malian communities and, with the help of Red Cross programs, have helped save lives and improve livelihoods.

Canadian Red Cross helps rebuild health care in Haiti

Like the rest of Haiti, the Jacmel community was left reeling after the January 12, 2010 earthquake devastated the country. This community of 40,000, capital of the Sud-Est department of Haiti, suffered significant damage to many buildings, including an estimated 70% of homes and the county hospital Saint Michel a Jacmel. Given that a strong and functional major health care facility is vitally important to both short-term and long-term recovery efforts, the reconstruction of Saint Michel Hospital was considered an essential task.

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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