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When you can't phone home: what to do when phones are down

Many of us consider our phones our connection to the rest of the world and with phones featuring smart functions and apps, they often feel like our lives are contained in this device. But what do you do if phone lines go down?

Tips for new homeowners

Moving homes is always a daunting task with many details to remember, organize or update. Whether you’re moving into a new house or renting an apartment, the task of packing and moving is challenging enough, so make it easier with these tips.

What I learned from being totally unprepared for an emergency

A recent power outage left me wishing I'd been better prepared - and helped me learn how I can be ready for next time. 

Tech Talk: Make your phone smart enough to save lives

In today’s digital world, many of us realize how helpful technology is to our daily lives. Whether we’re mapping destinations, ordering food, making plans, even banking, our smart phones offer a lot of convenience in our hands. But have you thought about how this technology could help save your life or the life of another in an emergency?

Learning from the Red Cross Movement how to be better prepared

In late November 2016, the Ecuadorian Red Cross, with support from the Magen David Adom (MDA), the Israeli National Red Cross Society, conducted mass-casualty incident (MCI) training in Ecuador. An MCI is a situation – natural or man-made – where emergency crews become overwhelmed by the number of casualties. Many Red Cross National Societies respond to MCIs in their home countries; these Societies then share their knowledge with other Societies to improve their response capabilities.

8 ways to be ready for winter storms and other emergencies

As Canadians, we know winter storms, including blizzards, ice storms and extreme cold, are common this time of year. Some of the risks related to winter weather include extended power outages, treacherous driving conditions and frigid temperatures. Are you and your family prepared for a weather-related emergency?

Red Cross and BUNZ join to help Canadians be ready

At the Canadian Red Cross we know how important having an emergency kit is, and we were looking for a new way to get the word out. So we turned to BUNZ Trading Zone. 

Why have an emergency kit? One Fort McMurray resident's story

When the time came to evacuate his Abasand home due to the wildfire, Dan Edwards had only a few moments to grab the essentials - luckily, he was prepared with his emergency kit for a moment just like this. 

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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