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Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-UP

*The Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-up is courtesy of our friend, Robin Parker from Red Cross in Oregon Welcome to the Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up, in which we consolidate the international Red Cross and Red Crescent news into one list of bite-sized lin...

The Red Cross version of M*A*S*H

The Canadian Red Cross recently made an announcement that it is sending an Emergency Response Unit (ERU) to Pakistan. But what exactly is an ERU? We asked our Disaster Dude, John Saunders, to explain it to us. An Emergency Response Unit – or ERU i...

Photos from Pakistan

These photos are so incredibly telling of the disaster the people of Pakistan are facing right now. Take a look at these shots posted on the Canadian Red Cross Flickr page. [slideshow] Want to see more? Click here to go to the Flickr page.

All the ways you can disaster dine with crab

Last week, we put some Toronto community members' culinary skills to the test with a disaster dining challenge. One of the contestants, Chief of Emergency Management Ontario, Dan Hefkey shared with us these yummy recipes with canned crab for when you...

Volunteer profile: Ottawa volunteer recognized for her dedication to Red Cross

Barb Trant’s first memory of the Canadian Red Cross was when she was a small child. A  Red Cross homemaker would come by the house once-in-awhile to assist her mom with their busy household. Barb never forgot that homemaker. Years later, she w...

Durham Region Red Cross volunteer heads to Haiti on aid mission

Guy Lepage, of Ajax, leaves Aug. 19 for Haiti on a four-week aid mission with the Canadian Red Cross. In Haiti, Guy will be working with other international Red Cross volunteers and delegates to do training sessions with the Haitian Red Cross. He ...

Timmins volunteer accompanying important Red Cross shipment to Pakistan

Canadian Red Cross volunteer, Carole McIntyre, has been given a special task.  She is en-route to Pakistan today with $1 million of emergency supplies to help with relief efforts following extensive flooding across the country, which has affected ...

Poison ivy takes on the Disaster Dude

Our Disaster Dude John Saunders recently had a brush with poison ivy. He was trying out his green thumb in the garden, grabbed a handful of weeds to toss and suddenly felt his hands burning. To his surprise, he realized he had grabbed a handful of po...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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