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Are you ready for “The Magnitude”?

This is one of the coolest emergency preparedness education initiatives I’ve seen in a long time. Introducing to you “The Magnitude”  - take a bunch of preparedness tips, add some actors and a clever script and you have  the makings of a five-part...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our Sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.TUNISIA: To help maintain a sense of normality during a difficult time, Tunisian Red Crescent volunteers are providing psychosocial support to ...

Red Cross helps Irish dancers get back on their feet after a house fire

It was a chilly February Sunday night. The cast of the Irish dance show The Magic of Ireland were all warmed up and about to hit the stage at an Oshawa, ON legion hall, when they heard some unsettling news. A policeman came by and asked their ...

Update from Nicaragua: providing care to soon-to-be moms

Guest blog by Lee-Anne Lavell who is working in Nicaragua with the Red Cross. From Halifax, Nova Scotia, Lee-Anne will spend five months in Nicaragua working on a mother and child health program. One morning my supervisor and I met with Fidelia,...

Helping Afghan women, one loonie at a time

Students from five schools across Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island have been challenging each other to spend only one loonie a day, for 10 straight days as part of the Canadian Red Cross Dollar a Day campaign. That means no movies, no fast fo...

Weather alert for Southern Ontario

This      +  This  =  a possible bad combo for Southern Ontario this weekend. Between 25 – 60 millimetres of rain are in the forecast along with warmer temps, which could thaw ice and snow banks, creating floods in some communities.Are you prepared? ...

How a smile helps you carry on

Smiles are powerful.  Whether they are from a stranger or someone you love, they always brighten a mood.  Tunisian Red Crescent volunteers recently experienced the strength of a smile while assisting Mohammed Sadok Muhammed cross the border from Liby...

Volunteer profile: Getting back behind the wheel

Many Red Cross programs and services are made possible because of the dedication of our volunteers. I recently heard about one volunteer in Sault Ste. Marie, who exemplifies what dedication is all about. The past 11-years, Bob Grant has been provi...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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