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Photo of the Day: Helping families to be ready

Next week is Emergency Preparedness Week – an awareness week to encourage Canadians to be prepared for disasters where they live. Since we’re super keeners (it’s never too early to be prepared!), we’re getting a jump start by hosting emergency p...

Photo of the Day: Opening the door to new volunteers

The Canadian Red Cross in Nova Scotia recently hosted open houses at all its offices across the province. It was an opportunity for members of the public to meet Red Crossers and learn more about volunteer opportunities within the various Red Cross...

L’essentiel d’un garde-manger pour les catastrophes

Les habitants des Îles-de-la-Madeleine qui ont été privés d’électricité pendant plusieurs jours en février dernier et les sinistrés de la Montérégie connaissant l’importance de se préparer pour des catastrophes de longue durée. Et vous ? Est-ce qu...

Photo of the Day: Red Cross youth of yesteryear

Today’s photo is from the archives at our Toronto Region office. These kids were members of their Canadian Junior Red Cross club at Pape Avenue Public School in Toronto. The date of this image is unknown (we’re guessing it’s about 60 years-old) but...

Paying it forward with pay phones in Mexico

Guest blog by Gwen Eamer, National Office Media AdvisorCanada has over 100,000 public payphones, but with mobile phones becoming near-universal, many public booths are going the way of the Dodo. The Mexican Red Cross has come up with the perfect solu...

Photo of the Day: Healthcare in danger

This photo was taken earlier this week at the Healthcare in Danger Symposium in London. The meeting was the first of its kind to bring policymakers, academics, medics and civil society together to focus on the global problem of violent threats to...

How to decorate your home – the Red Cross way

[slideshow] There’s no question that many of us who work at the Red Cross bring our work home with us – you never do know when a disaster will happen. But, since joining Pinterest a few weeks ago, I’ve realized that many people literally bring the...

Stamp collecting with a Red Cross twist

Did you know that nearly every country in the world has produced Red Cross stamps at one time or another? It’s just one of the fascinating aspects of stamp collecting that’s allowed volunteer Cheryl Grantham to combine two passions: stamps and the Re...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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