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Tech Talk: Staying smart with your phone this long weekend

With the August long weekend coming up, many of us will be heading to the cottage or the campground. Whether you’re lounging on a boat, playing volleyball at the beach, or sitting around the campfire, we’ve discovered some great smartphone applicatio...

Photo of the Day: Humanitarian relief in Syria

Humanitarian relief efforts continue in Syria. In this photo, Syrian Arab Red Crescent workers help register displaced people in Aleppo. As the violence continues to escalate and livelihoods are disrupted, many families have been forced to flee their...

A ‘weirding’ climate, here and around the world

http://vimeo.com/22297884 ‘Climate change’. We’ve all heard the discussions and debates, but if you’re anything like me, it can be hard to wrap your mind around how an increase of a few tiny degrees can wreak such havoc on this beautiful world of ...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. PARAGUAY: A variety of traditional Paraguayan handicrafts created by women prisoners of the Good Shepherd have been displayed during Expo-2...

Nope! It's not an itsy bitsy bikini...

*Guest post by Lisa Banning, Communications Advisor in Ontario If you visit Centennial Beach in Barrie, Ontario, this summer, you are bound to see the latest fashion trend...no not itsy bitsy teeny weenie yellow polka dot bikinis, but rather peopl...

Photo of the Day: Beach view

Sunny days has Maritimers flocking to local beaches this summer. This photo was taken at sunset on the beach in Tignish, Prince Edward Island earlier this month by Red Crosser Natalie Champagne. She’s one of the instructors at the Red Cross-run wat...

Photo of the Day: Attention Walmart shoppers!

The Walmart store in St. Thomas, Ontario, was recently recognized with an award of appreciation from the Disaster Management team at the St. Thomas branch. Every year, Walmart launches a campaign to raise funds at the till to help the Red Cross r...

Photo of the Day: Grande Prairie kicks off Walmart campaign

Guest entry by Gordon Lamb, Communications Assistant at the Canadian Red Cross in Alberta Walmart Canada officially launched its annual campaign for the Canadian Red Cross in Grande Prairie yesterday with the ambitious goal of raising $3.2 million. ...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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