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The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. SYRIA: Concern is growing for over 3 million people affected by the conflict in Syria as winter approaches in a region where temperatures c...

Photo of the Day: Canadians lend a helping hand

Canadians are continuing to help their neighbours in the United States recover from the storm. Red Crosser Nathan Huculak from BC spent the past week in New York, helping the American Red Cross assist people whose lives have been disrupted by Hur...

Pick a potty for World Toilet Day

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is celebrating World Toilet Day (which by the way, is on November 19th, in case it wasn't already on your calendar) by hosting an interesting competition. Vote on what you think ar...

Photo of the day: Snowy day in Calgary

Guest entry by Matt O’Connor, Digital Communications Coordinator in Calgary This is what it looks like outside the Calgary Red Cross office today. It seems that the wintery weather stretches all the way from the American East coast to Alberta. Cal...

Food Friday: When in doubt, add mustard

For all the fun we have at the Canadian Red Cross showing Canadians how to make scrumptious meals with non-perishables and no power, we seem to have forgotten to make disaster dining delicious for disaster responders themselves. 

Dispatch from the front lines of the Sandy response in New York

Lisa Landry is an experienced Canadian Red Cross disaster response volunteer from Nova Scotia who is currently in New York to support American Red Cross operations. She recently sent us this dispatch from her deployment which offers a glimpse of what...

Tech Talk: How communities are recovering from Sandy

Communities affected by Hurricane Sandy are devising ingenious ways to help each other recover from the storm that has left thousands without power and struggling to return to their normal routines.  The New York tech community has come together...

Photo of the Day: Red Cross response in Guatemala

Pictured above the Guatemalan Red Cross assesses damage after a 7.4 earthquake hit yesterday, affecting an estimated 17,000 people. Guatemalan Red Cross volunteers are assisting with assessments, pre-hospital care, search and rescue operations, and p...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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