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Photos from a hunger crisis

A man in a Red Cross vest walking across cracked, dry land.

In East Africa, tens of millions of people are in dire need of food as a series of disasters from climate change, conflict, the COVID-19 pandemic, a locust invasion, and longstanding vulnerabilities have converged into a humanitarian crisis. Time is running out to avert starvation. Unless urgent action is taken, the continued drought in East Africa could come to resemble the one in 2011, which killed about 260,000 people in Somalia.

A man in a Red Cross vest walking across cracked, dry land.

What to do when a child is choking

A woman holding a child over her knee while performing back blows to a choking child

For many parents or caregivers, it’s important to know first aid, at least basic first aid skills.
Would you know what to do if a child in your presence was choking?

A woman holding a child over her knee while performing back blows to a choking child

Volunteering to help after leaving Ukraine

 Svitlana Rostetska in Red Cross vests

For many people who have left Ukraine since the end of February, helping others is a priority, both those who have also fled and those in their new communities. These are the stories of some women from Ukraine who are now supporting the work of the Romanian Red Cross.

 Svitlana Rostetska in Red Cross vests

Heroes among us: Volunteers during local disasters

A younger woman sitting in front of an older woman with flowers in the background

When looking at a map of Northern Saskatchewan, you’ll notice the roads are few and far between. It’s easy to wonder, how do people get help promptly during times of need? The answer is through the dedicated volunteers locally placed throughout the community who spring into action when duty calls.

A younger woman sitting in front of an older woman with flowers in the background

Opioid Harm Reduction: See the person, stop the stigma

A dictionary page is shown with the definition of “opioids”. A pink marker is highlighting the word “opioids.”

For people who use opioids, a major obstacle on the road to recovery is the harmful stigma they face around them. According to the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, one in 10 Canadians currently experience substance use problems and a further eight in 10 people with substance use disorder report facing barriers to recovery, including stigma.

A dictionary page is shown with the definition of “opioids”. A pink marker is highlighting the word “opioids.”

Adventure ahead: Wilderness first aid, planning and preparedness

A man and woman in front of a tent outdoors

Canada is well known for its stunning and vast wilderness – and the adventurous people who explore it. There’s a certain sense of challenge and satisfaction that comes with backcountry expeditions – relying on yourself and your survival skills while immersed in nature. At the same time, adventuring in the wilderness comes with undeniable risks. Each year, the media reports tragic tales of ill-fated trips to remote areas.

A man and woman in front of a tent outdoors

How Danielle honours those who never came home from residential schools: Setting the children free

A piece of digital artwork featuring a black and white archival photo of Tk'emlups Residential School with 215 colourful butterflies superimposed on top of the image, representing each child suspected

Learn how Danielle Robinson uses her art to help her and those around her navigate their feelings through the current events impacting Indigenous Peoples in Canada this last year. The Canadian Red Cross Society is honoured that Indigenous people such as Danielle Robinson choose to avail their expertise to our humanitarian objectives.

A piece of digital artwork featuring a black and white archival photo of Tk'emlups Residential School with 215 colourful butterflies superimposed on top of the image, representing each child suspected

Relatable experience helps support Ukrainian arrivals

A man in a Canadian Red Cross vest smiling from inside an airport with a sign that says Arrivals.

Canadian Red Cross’ Wajid Mughal uses his experience starting a new life in a new country to support Ukrainians arriving in Canada. 

A man in a Canadian Red Cross vest smiling from inside an airport with a sign that says Arrivals.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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