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Dogs "retrieve" first aid info from app

It was a beautiful day.  My master and I had just finished a hike and we were famished. So, we dropped into a local restaurant and he ordered a burrito with lots of guacamole, refried beans and brown rice; great protein meal for refueling. I got some...

Food Friday: Apples and pumpkins, oh my!

It's the season for apples and pumpkins, and Red Crossers are sharing some of their favourite seasonal recipes, which are fun for the family.Michelle Wallis, from the Fund Development team in Ontario, says come this time of year, her family roasts th...

Photo of the Day: Philippines Red Cross responds to earthquake

This week a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the island of Bohol in the Philippines. The initial earthquake was followed by over 200 aftershocks which caused further damage to the region. Philippine Red Cross volunteers are currently distributing re...

Tech Talk: World Disasters Report focusing on technology and humanitarian action

Technology and the future of humanitarian action is the focus of this year’s World Disasters Report being released by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) today. We’ll be sharing some of the findings of this report in ...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. NIGERIA: Following the 2012 floods response, which was carried out with the support of the IFRC, the National Society is now better prepare...

World Food Day: A time to reflect on our support to communities across the Sahel

*Guest blog by Emma Sturrock, Senior Officer, Emergency Response In 2012, 18 million people faced food insecurity in countries across the Sahel region of Africa, including Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal. This emergency may have gone unnoticed ...

Never too late to learn how to swim

When NBA player Brandon Bass (yes, that’s really his name) made headlines recently, it wasn’t for his skills on the basketball court but for his admission that he lacked one important skill: swimming. He didn’t learn this in his childhood but he's de...

Photo of the Day: The journey of a Syrian food parcel

At the Syrian Arab Red Crescent’s al-Maisat centre, many families await the distribution of food parcels. Each food parcel contains 15 kg of rice, five litres of sunflower oil, three cans of tuna, five kg of sugar, one kg of lentils and 15 cans o...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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