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Take the #unselfie challenge on Giving Tuesday

There’s Black Friday, a day to kick off holiday spending, and there’s Cyber Monday, a day for online sales. But did you know about Giving Tuesday? This year, Tuesday, December 1 will mark the start of charitable holiday giving.

Photo of the day: ICRC visit to Canadian Red Cross

On an official visit to Canada, ICRC president Peter Maurer met with Canadian Red Cross staff at the national office in Ottawa on Thursday afternoon, where he talked about the evolving role of humanitarian work amidst complex conflicts around the world.

Round-up: Updates from Kyrgyzstan and Myanmar

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

Photo of the day: Jillian's birthday gift to Syrian children

When Jillian Wright of Ottawa, Ontario was approaching her seventh birthday on October 23, she told her friends and family that instead of gifts she wanted money so that she could donate to the Red Cross to help Syrian children.

Translating the refugee crisis: Stories from Germany

Volunteer translator Ahmad, Canadian Red Cross aid worker Sarah, volunteer translator Ibrahim, and Ahmad’s father Mahmoud.

Toronto-based disaster management expert Sarah Oberholzer shares stories of two Syrian refugees working as translators during her mission at the camp in Erding, Germany.

Volunteer translator Ahmad, Canadian Red Cross aid worker Sarah, volunteer translator Ibrahim, and Ahmad’s father Mahmoud.

Round-up: Updates from Beirut, Paris and Indonesia

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

Letters to a jailed sister keep hope alive: Thanks to Red Cross program

When her sister was jailed in Iran, a British Columbia woman worried it would be years before she heard from her again. In 2011, foreign relatives weren’t allowed to communicate with Iranian prisoners and Nasrin felt desperate every day, wondering how her sister, Nooshin, was managing after her arrest for involvement with the Baha'i Institute for Higher Education in Iran. But a year later, she was thrilled to discover the Restoring Family Links program run by Canadian Red Cross would be able to help deliver mail to Nooshin in jail.

Showing your respect: #RedCrossRespect photo challenge winners

Thank you to all who submitted their selfies in the #RedCrossRespect photo challenge! Youth were asked to submit photos that represented healthy relationships to them and here are our winners from the contest – congratulations Andi, Elizabeth, Emilie and Heather!

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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