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Food Friday: Chocolate cheesecake in a disaster? Why not!

You may have heard this week that the Canadian Red Cross has been hosting Disaster Dining Challenges across the country as part of the launch of the annual Walmart fundraising campaign. Without using electricity, 'chefs' are challenged to create a di...

I’m ready for a disaster, are you?

By Nicole Robicheau As a new Red Cross staff member working with Public Affairs in Ottawa, I’ve recently been going through some of the materials we have on disaster preparedness in Canada.  I’m trained as an ERU delegate, so I’ve learned the skil...

Tech Talk: Tracking hurricanes? There’s an app for that!

August is the time of year when those of us who live on the east coast start paying closer attention to updates from the Canadian Hurricane Centre. Admittedly, we’re weather geeks, but we’ve also experienced the devastation that hurricanes and tropic...

Vegan dining in a disaster? You bet!

Across the country this week, Walmart is kicking off its annual fundraising campaign in support of the Red Cross. All funds raised at the till go toward helping the Red Cross respond to disasters -- such as fires, flooding, or power outages -- ri...

Photo of the Day: A year after a deadly drought

Just over a year ago, the Red Cross began its response to a deadly drought that was affecting families and farmers crops across the Horn of Africa. Have a look at how, through generous donations, the Red Cross has made a difference: Over 1 mi...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. GAMBIA: With the lack of rain in the 2011 season, it wasn’t possible for thousands of agro-pastoralists families in the Sahel region to pro...

What the British Red Cross is up to during Olympics

Check out this great infographic from the British Red Cross to see what Red Crossers are doing during the Olympics (besides cheering on their athletes!) @

Photo of the Day: Operation Lost and Found

Once again this year, Canadian Red Cross volunteers played hero for some kids and their parents at the Royal St. John’s Regatta. The event draws a big crowd. After all, the regatta has a long tradition (194 years running!) and residents of St. Jo...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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