Volunteers (Page 32)

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about our network of volunteers at home and abroad

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Video: Volunteers share their experience from the Alberta flood response

Canadian Red Cross volunteers have been working in communities affected by flooding since the response began more than four weeks ago. In this short video recorded in the municipal district of Bighorn, Alberta, three volunteers describe their exp...

Quebec volunteers step up in wake of disasters

It’s fair to say our team of Red Cross disaster volunteers in Quebec is having a busy summer. Some 75 volunteers are working in shifts daily to provide support in Lac-Mégantic where a train derailment caused devastation and great loss in the communit...

Photo of the Day: Recovery in Lac-Mégantic

The Canadian Red Cross continues to work with local authorities to help those affected by the explosions in Lac-Mégantic.  Thanks to your generous donations we are working to provide emergency shelter, food and clothing, registration services and fami...

Hockey hospitality in High River

Guest entry by Calli Forbes, Communications Coordinator, Canadian Red Cross When it comes to hockey, especially the Calgary Flames, Jeremy Kroeker knows his stuff. The High River resident, who lives with special needs, can rattle off statis...

Update on Alberta Flood Relief

Welcoming Christine to the Social Media Team

We are extending a warm Red Cross welcome to Christine Pantazis! Christine (@wedding_crasher) is the newest Social Ambassador to join our team. She is a trained digital volunteer with the Red Cross and has been helping in social media in times of dis...

First steps to recovery in High River

The town of High River has been the focus of much of the attention since devastating flooding prompted a state of local emergency and the evacuation of its residents. This weekend, residents from one of the eight zones were allowed to return t...

Dispatch from Calgary: Reaching out in flood-affected communities

I spent my day yesterday with a group of volunteers doing outreach in Bowness, one of the Calgary neighbourhoods that was hit hard by flooding in Alberta last week. In Bowness, the river runs alongside a crescent and not only did the water flood rive...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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