Volunteers 9

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about our network of volunteers at home and abroad

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Rudimentary to flourishing: COVID-19 and virtual volunteering

There was a bit of a surprising silver lining to the COVID-19 pandemic for a Saskatchewan-based Canadian Red Cross volunteer Alex Bull. The move to virtual-based volunteering has taken her from “barely” able to turn on a computer to supervising a team of Safety and Wellbeing volunteers using technology.

Safety protocols mean Red Cross volunteers can help where needed during COVID-19

Even during COVID-19, the Red Cross is on the ground, helping where we're needed. 

Quarantine to volunteer: One Saskatoon man’s story

From sailing across the Pacific Ocean to isolation at a Canadian military base for two weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken Al Stickney of Saskatoon on a strange journey that ended with a new volunteer position with the Canadian Red Cross.

Red Cross volunteers in Ottawa provide wellness checks amidst pandemic

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian Red Cross volunteers are working in local communities to assist the most vulnerable populations.
Volunteers such as Luc and Adele are administering door-to-door Safety and Wellness checks in Ottawa.

Lending a helping and virtual volunteer hand in Halifax during COVID-19

Sandra Christie of Halifax has been a Canadian Red Cross volunteer for four years, drawing on her background as a registered nurse to lead a Safety and Wellbeing team that has been providing virtual support by phone to people feeling isolated, anxious or needing unique help addressing issues relating to COVID-19.

Using volunteer opportunities to discover a new passion

Canadian Red Cross volunteer Zoe has brought her skills to several roles from organizing events to answering phones. Read how Zoe's diverse volunteer experience allowed her to discover a new passion. 

Psychological first aid: We don't always know what to say

Canadian Red Cross volunteer Erin Ellis explains why we don't always need to know what to say when someone is struggling with their mental health, and what you can do to still help. 

Alberta volunteer receives the Order of Red Cross

Volunteering is a part of life for the Jacobs family. Garry Jacobs has volunteered with the Canadian Red Cross in Red Deer, Alberta for 30 years – along with his wife Sandy and now his daughter Jodyne (who volunteers in Strathmore, Alberta). In February, Garry was awarded the highest volunteer honour from the Canadian Red Cross – the Order of Red Cross, for his incredible contributions to the movement.

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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