Tech Talk 5

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about how technology is transforming how we work

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Photo of the Day: Using fire to charge mobile phones

With thousands of residents in New York and New Jersey left without power following last week's storm, an innovative company from New York took to the streets to set up charging stations. For those left without electricity, mobile phones are one ...

Tech Talk: Crisis communications in Trillium Resolve exercise

Last week, the Canadian Red Cross participated in a disaster response exercise called Trillium Resolve in order to test and improve Ontario's emergency response programs. The Red Cross participated in the exercise by opening shelters and assisting "v...

Tech Talk: How Toronto Police are using social media

Social media can play an important role in responding to emergency situations by allowing for timely communication of important facts and information. The Toronto Police Service recognizes the importance of being active on social platforms and has ...

Tech Talk: Canadian survey on social media in emergencies

The Canadian Red Cross commissioned Ipsos Reid to conduct a survey to find out what Canadians think about social media use in emergencies. We’re eager to share the results, as it’s the first survey of its kind in Canada and it can help us better unde...

Tech Talk: More Americans using mobile apps

According to a new study by the American Red Cross, more Americans are choosing mobile apps to help them in times of emergencies. The Red Cross has introduced apps for shelter locations, first aid tips and instruction and hurricane preparedness, ...

Tech Talk: Volunteer Spotlight

Meet one of our volunteers Joallore Alon. Joallore volunteers with the Red Cross, however he holds a volunteer position that most people are probably not familiar with. He is a member of the Canadian Red Cross Twitter Team – a group of keen Twitter u...

Tech Talk: High- and low-tech innovations leading the fight against HIV/AIDS

Whether it’s a new social media campaign in British Columbia with huge aspirations of ending HIV/AIDS in the province or work by the Red Cross to improve people’s lives in countries with limited resources, innovations are changing the face of hea...

Tech Talk: Charge your cellphone with fire power

Your smartphone is an important device to have on standby in case of an emergency. However, if you’re camping in the wilderness or you’re at home during a blackout, it’s difficult to keep your smartphone fully charged when there’s no electricity.   ...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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