First Aid (Page 27)

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about First Aid and CPR

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First Aid for Valentine’s Day

So you’ve prepared a memorable evening to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your sweetheart, but have you really thought of everything? Even when your horoscope predicts the perfect evening, it only takes a few seconds to transform your romantic evening...

Are you ready for another winter wallop?

Groundhog predictions notwithstanding (Wiarton Willie may have gotten it wrong this year), friends in Ontario and Atlantic Canada are getting ready for another blast of winter.   As always, the Canadian Red Cross recommends you stay informed and f...

Avoid dangers this holiday season

While the holidays can be a wonderful time spent with friends and family, there are also a number of accidents associated with the holidays. According to medical statistics, people have been injured watering Christmas trees without unplugging the...

Canadian Red Cross holiday gift guide

The Canadian Red Cross has some great gift ideas to help you with your holiday shopping this season: The gift that keeps on giving: Nothing says “best gift ever” like the ability to save lives like a real-life superhero! Purchase a first aid or CP...

Annie are you OK?

Annie are you OK? So, Annie are you OK? Are you OK, Annie? Who could forget the lyrics to this 1988 hit by Michael Jackson, Smooth Criminal. But just who exactly was this Annie character? And why was Michael asking her if she was OK? 

Photo of the Day: Volunteer helps save a life

Canadian Red Cross disaster volunteer Susan MacKenzie from Calgary was deployed to New Jersey to help bring relief to people affected by Hurricane Sandy. She never expected she'd been using her first aid training to help save a man's life.

Tweeting My Way Through CPR Training at #redcrossCPR

[slideshow]I'm the type of person who likes to be prepared. I've got my emergency kit ready and my purse is stocked with bandaids for any scrape, cut, or blister. But when it comes to taking care of my sick grandfather, I never felt confident that I ...

Using CPR to Save Lives

Effective bystander CPR can save lives, which is something Bran Simon learned first-hand a few weeks ago. After hearing yelling and crying in his apartment building, Bran ran over to see what was wrong and saw a man lying on the floor with no vital s...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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