The first post in our What to do series described what to do if someone is experiencing a stroke. When you see someone in distress, it can be a bit overwhelming but it’s important to respond quickly and calmly. The same is said for an emergency involving mental health. In this second post, we’ll take a look at what to do if you see someone having a panic attack
First Aid 17
Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about First Aid and CPR
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There is nothing I love more than being cozy and warm on a cold day. So it might seem a little odd that I opted to take a winter vacation in Yellowknife, NWT. I got a little nervous about the cold, so I decided to learn as much as I can about how to stay safe and warm in the freezing cold, and what to do in the event of a cold-related emergency.
We have lived in this country known for cold climates for generations, but every winter when the mercury drops below -20, we wonder what our ancestors were thinking settling in these frigid lands. Here are 10 signs to alert you to freezing temperatures and tips on how to deal with it.
“I dare you to stick your tongue on that post!”
Who hasn’t heard this as a child? As we get older, we know that lips and other wet areas of skin can stick to cold, metallic objects and that it can, in fact, be downright painful! But many young children unfortunately learn this the hard way.
When a health emergency happens to someone in your presence, it can be overwhelming on many levels. It can be quite shocking to witness someone choking, having a heart attack or diabetic emergency. Everyday emergencies can include broken bones, bleeding, burns, allergic reactions, and seizures to name a few. However, to help improve your ability to help in such an emergency, it helps to be prepared with first aid – this knowledge could help you save someone’s life!
Asking children to wear sunglasses isn’t just to make them look cooler and cuter. When you go outside to play with your child in the winter, don’t forget that his or her little bright eyes are more sensitive than yours
Have your say in a short survey on first aid, available in 19 languages, to help us learn what common health situations are experienced by the general public. The first of its kind, this survey aims to gather information on the most common accidents and health emergencies people are facing and if first aid techniques were provided – with or without first aid skills.
Okay, so I am that person. The one who really can’t handle the gross stuff, the one who covers their eyes during movies until people tell me it’s okay to look again. So naturally the world of first aid is one that gets me a little nervous because it might be icky. And then I had a moment that I realized just how important first aid is.