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Staying safe while responding to the Ebola outbreak

As the Red Cross continues to scale up its response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, Red Cross staff and volunteers who are responding to the global health emergency are taking every precaution to stay safe while they provide care to patients infected with Ebola.

The story of a cat, a fire and a community helped by Red Cross

The cat in question, Sylvester, a black cat who lived in Dauphin’s Towers Hotel, came back from a near-death experience after he rode the front of the hotel’s second storey down to the ground as it collapsed following a recent fire. The fire left several residents without a home, including the cat.

Celebrating 75 years of care in remote areas in British Columbia

Last month, the coastal town of Bamfield, B.C. celebrated the 75th anniversary of the founding of its outpost hospital, a Red Cross facility that was established on September 7, 1939, just at the beginning of the Second World War. The Red Cross had opened 90 of these remote facilities across Canada to meet the needs of remote and emerging communities.

Making music in Mozambique: Canadian Red Cross Young Humanitarian of the year

After high school, many graduates head off to college or take a gap year to travel. Jack Bennet, from Halifax, Nova Scotia, dared to do something different. What he accomplished earned him a Canadian Red Cross Young Humanitarian of the year award.

Sharing knowledge in disaster preparedness in the Philippines

Sebastien Jouffroy is a humanitarian worker for the Canadian Red Cross. He was deployed to the Philippines for one year and will send updates on his experiences throughout the mission. This is Sebastien’s most recent blog post from the Philippines

Musician Tom Jackson partners with Red Cross to inspire change

Aimed at inspiring Canadians into action, musician and lifelong philanthropist Tom Jackson is releasing his new single “I’m Not Saying, I’m Just Saying”, which focuses on global wellness and the belief that, together, we can put an end to war.

Light up purple on World Mental Health Day

On October 10, 2012, Amanda Todd committed suicide. Unbeknownst to her, it was World Mental Health Day—since 1992 this day has been highlighted to bring awareness of and hope for mental health issues. Yet few Canadians know of this day and the millions who struggle with mental health issues.

The story of Muggins, the Red Cross fundraising dog

During wartime, the Canadian Red Cross provided comfort, support and supplies to soldiers overseas, as well as to the many people left at home. One of the most beloved wartime stories involves a very special Red Cross volunteer, recruited to help at the Victoria, B.C. office. His name was Muggins. He stood about 12 inches high, and was, by all accounts, quite adorable.

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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