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Local Fort McMurray resident who lost her home to wildfires returns to assist others

Grabbing her wallet, phone, jacket, and just a few things she could stuff into a small backpack, Cathy Lu had very little time to meet the demands of the mandatory evacuation order that came just a month ago. Showers of ash were descending on her street and wildfires had already begun to engulf some areas of Fort McMurray, Alberta, as Cathy and her roommate quickly drove from their neighborhood.

No hesitation for Quebec Red Cross volunteer in helping with Alberta fires

The last few weeks have been busy ones for Cindy Baillargeon, a Red Cross volunteer from the Lanaudière region of Quebec: she spent them in Alberta, helping out Fort McMurray evacuees. When she saw images of the wildfires on the news, she knew that the Red Cross was bound to be involved. It wasn’t long before the call for volunteers came through, and she accepted without a second thought.

Recovering from the wildfires: A guide for evacuees

Several practical and emotional details need to be considered as your prepare to return home following an evacuation. Here are some important tips and considerations as you prepare to go home.

RMWB Re-Entry Booklet: Information for those returning home

The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, along with the Province of Alberta, released a comprehensive guide to support residents as they re-enter Fort McMurray. The booklet compliments the Canadian Red Cross Guide to Wildfire Recovery and answers frequently asked questions including details about information centres, Red Cross support, and tips for safety and well-being.

Conquering a confusing world

For those who can’t hear what’s going on around them – or who hear only muffled, jumbled sounds, the world can be a confusing or even unfriendly place. And when that comes on top of the stress and uncertainty of being evacuated from your home, things can be even worse.That’s the situation some Fort McMurray residents found themselves in after losing or leaving behind the hearing aids that help make life better. But with the help of two local companies, sounds around them are now more clear.

YMCA pre-kindergarten students aim big for Fort McMurray

Pre-Kindergarten students aimed to sell lemonade for $100 per glass to buy new houses for Fort McMurray Evacuees. 
Students at the Shirley Stollery YMCA Child Care Centre, aged 3-5 years, brought questions and ideas into their classroom after speaking with their parents about smoke in the Edmonton sky. 

Coping with Crisis: expected reactions to abnormal events

When a disaster like wildfires hits, it puts a lot of stress on those who are impacted. Those who live through crisis situations are very likely to experience extreme stress, and it’s important to remember that this reaction is entirely normal. Recovering from these feelings can take a long time but there are some ways that may help you cope.

​Recovering from the wildfires: Tips for parents and caregivers

From damaged and lost property, to the emotional impact of being displaced, to images of destroyed areas and overwhelming uncertainty– disasters and emergencies like the Alberta wildfires take a big toll on us.  Kids and teens can be especially vulnerable during disasters and in the days that follow. Here are some ways to help the kids in your life following the Alberta wildfires.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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