Red Cross Talks (Page 56)

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Finding laughter, even amidst tragedy

Susan Smith’s laughter is infectious. Over the past two years, she has had to be remarkably resilient, yet she’s kept her winning sense of humour through incredible hardship. In 2017, wildfires swept through Boston Flats, a community just outside of Cache Creek, B.C. Susan’s home, along with many others, were completely destroyed. 

Working together to build a hospital in Mozambique

Canadian aid worker Jean-Baptiste Lacombe shares how we are working with local communities to rebuild a hospital in Nhamatanda, Mozambique after Cyclone Idai devastated much of the region.

20 years later: Canada’s response to the Kosovar refugee crisis

In the spring of 1999, Canada sponsored 5,000 Kosovar refugees as part of an international emergency evacuation organized by the United Nations for hundreds of thousands of civilians. Guest writer Arta Rexhepi came to Canada with her family, she shares her experience in this blog. 

My first time in the field: An aid worker reflects about their time in the Philippines

Katie Hope, a Canadian Red Cross communications aid worker, reflects on her first time in the field. Read about the work the Canadian Red Cross is doing in the Philippines, as well as what goes into the job of a communications aid worker. 

Tips to help you stay safe during hot weather

Most of us remember cold, snowy weather in stark detail so the heat of summer is often a welcome sight, a warm embrace even for us Canadians. However, too much heat can be harmful, and we need to be conscious of what to do during a heat wave, not just for ourselves but particularly for our furry friends and elderly loved ones as well.

Here's why summertime can be a great time to volunteer

Have time on your hands this summer? Summertime is a great time for many, especially students who may have a few months of free time, to volunteer and reap its rewards. If you’re one of the lucky ones with more time on their hands in the summer, consider keeping your skills (whether life skills or more academically driven) sharp, or gain new ones, meet new people and have new experiences.

Improving outcomes for mothers and babies after Cyclone Idai

Fatima Olympia is a nurse with advanced training at Nhamatanda District Hospital in the labour and delivery ward. When Cyclone Idai hit Mozambique, it brought destruction across the area, including to the hospital. In response, the Canadian Red Cross, with the support of the Finnish Red Cross, set up an emergency hospital in Nhamatanda to support the District Hospital. With about 300 babies born a month, here is how we're improving outcomes for mothers and babies.

Forced to Fight: a new interactive, online resource explaining IHL

On June 20, World Refugee Day, the Canadian Red Cross launched its new interactive, online resource, Forced to Fight. Designed for teachers and students between 13-18 years old, Forced to Fight helps explain International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and humanitarian issues by allowing the user to experience what it is like for young people living in situations of armed conflict around the world.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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