Red Cross Talks (Page 216)

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Images from Tomas

We have been watching closely all day, as hurricane Tomas has brushed the western coast of Haiti. Here are the first images we have received from the city of Leogane, where there have been floods.[slideshow]

Texting in Haiti

Red Cross experts in Haiti have been working around the clock to prepare for the tropical storm, Tomas, expected to hit the vulnerable country this week. In addition to getting emergency supplies ready so that they can be quickly distributed when ...

Blogging from Haiti

* Red Crosser Sophie Chavanel (@sophiechavanel) is currently in Haiti working to help prepare for Tropical Storm Tomas. She has posted these photos and this blog to help keep Canadians aware of what is happening in Haiti. [slideshow] In Haiti, we ...

The Red Cross Round-up

*The Red Cross Round-up is written by Katie Robinson, communications coordinator for the Canadian Red Cross* Taking the lead from our friends at the American Red Cross, we are launching a Canadian version of the Red Cross Round-up. The Round-up wi...

Cool new way to see inside a disaster

Last night, the makers behind an upcoming documentary called Inside Disaster launched a powerful tool that allows each of us the opportunity to experience the Haiti earthquake from the perspective of those involved, including aid workers, journalists...

Food Friday: Why I love Spam

In a recent Twitter conversation about spam (the junk mail), it came up that Red Crossers tend to talk about Spam (the lunch “meat”) quite often because it's an no-brainer for any emergency preparedness kit. Through the conversation, Red Cross Talk f...

Worldwide Wrap Up

*The Worldwide Wrap-up is courtesy of our friend, Robin Parker from Red Cross in Oregon Welcome to the Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up, in which we consolidate the international Red Cross and Red Crescent news into one list of bite-sized links for you...

Dear Greg...put the toilet seat down!

For the love of humanity, put down the toilet seat!  That was the plea of a disgruntled woman on Twitter challenging her other half to finally lower the seat. The call to action grabbed headlines – and an entire billboard in a busy street in S...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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