Red Cross Talks (Page 149)

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Teddy bear power: An unexpected item in our disaster preparedness kit

While we always talk about what should be in your disaster preparedness kit, we don’t often tell you what goes in ours. When we prepare for disasters we are not only preparing to ensure we can keep working should the worst happen, but also to help take care of those affected by disasters. We make sure that we have the basics: food, water, clothing, and other essential items that we can provide to those in need. We often have other administrative items as well, like: signs, pens, paper, rubber bands, pre-organized paper work and so on, to help us distribute aid in an organized manner.

South Sudan: Bringing life-saving assistance to the displaced

Since conflict erupted in South Sudan several months ago, conditions have deteriorated rapidly for those leaving their homes in search of safety. Now driving rain makes their living conditions even harsher.

Photo of the Day: From Ebola Survivor to Red Cross volunteer

When the Ebola virus first hit Guinea two months ago, many people didn’t realize it was the deadly haemorrhagic fever. Saa Sabas, from Guinea, was caring for his sick parent when he contracted the virus, but managed to beat it. Now, along with the Red Cross Society of Guinea, Saa Sabas works to raise awareness of how to prevent the spread of the disease, to allay some of the fear and rumours, as well as to combat the ignorance about this dangerous disease.

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

Volunteer Spotlight: Conny Schuurman Receives 25 Year Milestone Award

At this year's Annual Volunteer Appreciation event, the Woodstock Branch recognized Conny Schuurman with 25 years of voluntary service as a driver with the Canadian Red Cross Transportation Program.

Red Cross Volunteers provide emotional support in Chilean disaster

Chile recently experienced two significant disasters, devastating fires and earthquake, that required more than simply providing for people's physical well-being. Red Cross volunteers on the ground also provided emotional support, as psychosocial aid is key to helping people recover from disasters. Two volunteers from the Chilean Red Cross share their stories.

Volunteer Spotlight: Bill and Sharon in Thunder Bay

In times of disaster, such as the recent flooding in Northern Ontario, Red Cross volunteers are on the ground helping those in need. When flooding forced the evacuation of approximately 1,500 people from Kashechewan on May 10, more than 200 Canadian Red Cross volunteers deployed to aid evacuees.

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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