Meet volunteers Laura Isidean and Diane Girard:
Their path to the Canadian Red Cross
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Watching dramatic CPR scenes on TV or in movies can be misleading, especially when it comes to understanding how CPR works in real life. We get it—exciting moments make for good storytelling, but they do not show what CPR is really like. Let's talk about what CPR is actually like and when it should be done.
Floods can happen anywhere and at any time of the year. The key to staying safe is to prepare, have an emergency plan in place, and know the flood risk in your community. It’s also important to take time to make sure your tenant insurance covers losses from flooding.
Mary Land was 21 when she enlisted in a group of volunteers who were specially trained for wartime service known as the Canadian Red Cross Corps during the Second World War. At 95 years old Mary and her son John had a chance to watch a tribute video of Canadian women like herself who served in the Canadian Red Cross Corps. Her son's final gift to his mother was to pay tribute to the remarkable life Mary lived and her service to the Red Cross as a volunteer.
There are many beliefs or myths that can and do stop people from helping another individual in distress, such as cardiac arrest. In fact, seven out of 10 cardiac arrests happen in front of bystanders, however less than 20% of bystanders end up providing first aid.
What does it mean to live through a year of armed conflict? For some, it means having to leave behind everything they know for somewhere safer. For others, it means spending hours in bomb shelters, or hours without electricity. For too many it means being separated from family, struggling to access basic medical care and not knowing what will happen next.
A new program has been launched to help community service organizations in Canada strengthen their internal structures and practices as they recover from the pandemic. This will, in turn, assist them as they continue to support their communities.
Men also experience mental health challenges, including depression and anxiety. Knowing this, why don’t we hear about it more? Whether it’s a family member or a friend you are worried about, here are some tips to spot depression and to support someone going through it, as well as some resources.