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Be ready for flooding checklist

Research shows that only 6% of Canadians are aware of the flood risks in their area. However, there are simple things every homeowner can do to prepare themselves for flooding this season. Be ready for flooding with this checklist.

5 ways Red Cross empowers and celebrates women

It’s International Women’s Day so let’s shine a spotlight on some inspiring women who, with barriers removed, show they can achieve amazing success. Here, we pay tribute to the many remarkable women in our organization or who have used our programs as a springboard to enlighten theirs or others’ lives. 

Things to consider for spring break

It’s the time of year when many schools have a spring or March break and often families will take advantage of the time off to travel or get active. Whether it’s preparing to take a tropical trip or getting ready to entertain out-of-school youth, here are some tips to get ready.

Tackling chicken pox in Bangladesh mega-camp

Chicken pox is a common and generally low risk illness, but overcrowded conditions in large makeshift settlements in Bangladesh means the disease is able to spread rapidly.  With over 34,500 cases of the disease reported since December, the worry is that this illness risks compounding many other vulnerabilities of the people who live here.

Persistence through recovery: reflections on the 2017 B.C. Fires

Stephen stands next to a lone tree, only steps away from his home. One side of the tree is burned, while the other side appears to be untouched. It’s a reminder of just how close his home, just outside of Quesnel, was to being completely destroyed by the British Columbia Wildfires of 2017.

Do you know the cold, hard facts about winter safety ?

While winter is a beautiful season in Canada, the extreme cold weather and heavy snowfall creates a variety of risks. Are you prepared for emergencies this winter ? Test your winter safety knowledge with this quiz.

Snow day activities to entertain the whole family

With all this unruly winter weather lately, it is important to limit travel as much as possible. If you are snowed in all is not lost. Here are some fun snow day activates to prevent any stir craziness.

A mother's love knows no boundaries: Stories from Ethiopia

In 2018 alone, roughly 2.4 million people have been forced to flee their homes in communities across Ethiopia because of ongoing conflict. Read about three mothers who are doing what it takes for their families, despite the difficult conditions they find themselves in. 

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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