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Photo of the Day: Using makeup to learn First Aid

Nope, this gruesome look isn't a result of a zombie apocalypse or an unfortunate Valentine's Day accident. It's all part of learning First Aid at the Red Cross. Kaysha Edwards, Canadian Red Cross First Aid Program Representative in Alberta, us...

Photo of the Day: Spreading the love

Pictured above, two Canadian delegates spread their love in Mozambique. Patrick Raymond and Emmanuel Ngamga were both deployed to Mozambique on February 11 as Community Health Managers with the Canadian Red Cross Emergency Response Unit (ERU), to...

Youth imagine, create, and inspire change at art show in Richmond Hill, Ontario

The Red Cross in the York Region of Ontario is hosting an art show to raise awareness and funds for the WAPP (West Africa Partnership Program). The “Create Your Own Peace – Imagine, Create @ Inspire Change” art show opens on the evening of Februa...

First Aid for Valentine’s Day

So you’ve prepared a memorable evening to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your sweetheart, but have you really thought of everything? Even when your horoscope predicts the perfect evening, it only takes a few seconds to transform your romantic evening...

First staff member hired in Moose Cree First Nation satellite office

We would like to extend a warm welcome to the first staff member to be hired in the Moose Cree First Nation satellite office, Laurie Mark. Laurie will be working part-time as a RespectED coordinator. Laurie was born and raised in Moosonee a...

Video: Why neutrality matters

Did you know that the humanitarian work of Red Crossers around the world is guided by seven Fundamental Principles? We asked Louise Geoffrion, a Canadian Red Cross staff member, to explain how the principle of neutrality helps us deliver aid i...

Photo of the Day: Red Cross distributes aid in Mali

In this photo, a woman in Mali collects her family’s sack of essential household goods distributed by the Red Cross, such as blankets, mosquito nets, clothing and kitchen utensils. These are items she left behind when she fled her home. In res...

Photo of the Day: Ontario volunteers participate in disaster management training

A group of volunteers spent part of this Saturday being trained in disaster management in the Halton Hills region in Ontario. Now that they have completed their training, the volunteers will be added to the list of active volunteers in their regi...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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