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Emergency Preparedness Week: Are you prepared?

It has certainly been a busy spring for the Canadian Red Cross and its team of dedicated volunteers. In the past few months, we have responded to Hurricane Sandy, ice storms in Ontario, flooding in Ontario, and personal disasters like house fires and...

Photo of the Day: Mantracker

[slideshow]The Canadian Red Cross recently attended the NorthWest Response Forum for first responders in Dryden, Ontario. The three day event boasted Terry Grant, "The Real Mantracker", as a keynote speaker. Grant's show, Mantracker, is a Canadian re...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. BANGLADESH: Bangladesh Red Crescent staff and volunteers have been supporting relief efforts at the Rana Plaza factory complex since its co...

Volunteers providing relief in flood-stricken Ontario

*Photos by Johan Hallberg-Campbell This weekend Canadian Red Cross volunteers are going door-to-door to hundreds of homes in Kawartha Lakes and Ramara affected by recent flooding to ensure families affected are safe and well, and have supplies t...

Ottawa volunteer gets to stretch her skills on Council

Originally from Saskatchewan, Jamie Dzikowski moved to Ontario to attend university and never left. It was when Jamie was completing her Masters degree at Carleton over three years ago that her fellow classmate had asked about someone taking over...

Infographic: So many reasons to say thank you

Photo of the Day: Honouring Atlantic Canadian volunteers!

This week marks National Volunteer Week and the Canadian Red Cross in Atlantic Canada marked the occasion by honouring more than 650 of their own volunteers with milestone and merit awards, service and distinguished service awards, and the Order ...

Video: What it means to be a volunteer

Canadian Red Cross Volunteer, Susan MacKenzie, has responded to disasters across North America.  From the Northern Alberta wildfires to Hurricane Sandy, she is always putting others before herself. Without volunteers like Sandy the Canadian Re...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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