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Dining in the dark: getting creative in the kitchen during a power outage

When a storm or other disaster comes your way and knocks the power out or makes it difficult to leave your home for a few days, preparing meals becomes a major concern.
Here are some tips for keeping food safe and eating nutritiously, even when there’s no electricity available at mealtime.

Sometimes all you need is a friendly chat

For over three years, Cheryl Horgan has been volunteering as an emergency management responder with the Canadian Red Cross in New Brunswick. She spent some her time volunteering with our Friendly Calls program in Atlantic Canada.

Preparing to return home after a house fire

Fires are one of the most common emergencies experienced by Canadians in their home. Home fires can happen anywhere and any time, but most commonly occur between December and March. There’s a lot you can do to prevent it from happening, however. Here are some steps to follow before returning home after a house fire.

Red Cross SmartStart offers an injury prevention program for newcomers

In 2018, Faith Okolie and her family arrived in Montreal as refugees from Nigeria. They were in danger and sought safe haven in Canada. They found it, and now Faith teaches newcomers in Winnipeg how they can stay safe in their new homes.

Newcomer doctor duo on deployment

Sepideh Alvandi and Vahid Zolfagharimoheb are married physicians from Iran who arrived in July 2021 to make Canada their new home.
The couple wasted no time applying their professional skills and humanitarian drive to help others in need in their new country.

Be present and listen: Advice from a seasoned disaster responder

When Dave Schiller decided it was time to retire after 30 years as a school counsellor in London, Ontario, he was looking for his next venture. He found it with the Canadian Red Cross.
“I wanted to retire to something and not just from something,” Dave explains.

Keeping kids safe during winter activities

Cold weather, ice and snow can be fun but also dangerous for children. Here are a few tips to help keep your kids warm and safe during winter.

Time to help: Red Cross Volunteer Rudy Ambtman

As volunteers, we all give what we can when we can. The Canadian Red Cross could not help those in need without this support and volunteer Rudy Ambtman from Manitoba has a lot to give.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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