The Canadian Red Cross’s Emergency Care workbook defines a first responder as “a person trained in emergency care who may be called upon to provide such care as a routine part of [their] job; often the first trained professional to respond to emergencies.” Launched in 2001, the Red Cross’s First Responder program was designed to improve the abilities of professionals like firefighters and police on scene at a medical emergency during the critical time before ambulances arrive.
In 2008, the scope of the program was expanded with Emergency Medical Responder courses, designed for healthcare professionals such as paramedics to assist patients with pain management and reduce the nature of injuries/sudden illness before they enter hospital. Up to 120 hours is allocated to provide the necessary knowledge and skills, such as properly using the stretcher shown here.
“A person trained in emergency care who may be called upon to provide such care as a routine part of [their] job; often the first trained professional to respond to emergencies.”
The scope of care provided by first responders is ever-expanding. In January 2016, the Red Cross announced a partnership with Bell’s “Let’s Talk” initiative to provide better resources for addressing mental health during emergencies. By 2017, revised training will show first responders how to evaluate the emotional health of patients. “Initiatives like this are a crucial step in building mental health consideration into every level of health care,” notes Let’s Talk chair Mary Deacon, “and to ensuring Canadians experiencing a mental health crisis get the support they need as quickly as possible.”
The Canadian Red Cross’s Emergency Care workbook defines a first responder as “a person trained in emergency care who may be called upon to provide such care as a routine part of [their] job; often the first trained professional to respond to emergencies.” Launched in 2001, the Red Cross’s First Responder program was designed to improve the abilities of professionals like firefighters and police on scene at a medical emergency during the critical time before ambulances arrive.
In 2008, the scope of the program was expanded with Emergency Medical Responder courses, designed for healthcare professionals such as paramedics to assist patients with pain management and reduce the nature of injuries/sudden illness before they enter hospital. Up to 120 hours is allocated to provide the necessary knowledge and skills, such as properly using the stretcher shown here.
“A person trained in emergency care who may be called upon to provide such care as a routine part of [their] job; often the first trained professional to respond to emergencies.”
The scope of care provided by first responders is ever-expanding. In January 2016, the Red Cross announced a partnership with Bell’s “Let’s Talk” initiative to provide better resources for addressing mental health during emergencies. By 2017, revised training will show first responders how to evaluate the emotional health of patients. “Initiatives like this are a crucial step in building mental health consideration into every level of health care,” notes Let’s Talk chair Mary Deacon, “and to ensuring Canadians experiencing a mental health crisis get the support they need as quickly as possible.”