Red Cross Stories (Page 38)

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A sweet surprise for Meals on Wheels clients

Meals on Wheels clients in Burlington, Ontario received a sweet surprise for Valentine’s Day from students at Clarksdale Public School. Older students helped younger students create special place mats for each Meals on Wheels client. Red Cross volu...

Red Cross Rocks with Hey Rosetta!

We wanted to get your Friday off to a good start with some music from our friends from the band Hey Rosetta! The Newfoundland rockers will be headlining Red Cross Rocks, a benefit concert to raise funds for the Canadian Red Cross in Halifax on...

Photo of the Day: Spreading the love

Pictured above, two Canadian delegates spread their love in Mozambique. Patrick Raymond and Emmanuel Ngamga were both deployed to Mozambique on February 11 as Community Health Managers with the Canadian Red Cross Emergency Response Unit (ERU), to...

Youth imagine, create, and inspire change at art show in Richmond Hill, Ontario

The Red Cross in the York Region of Ontario is hosting an art show to raise awareness and funds for the WAPP (West Africa Partnership Program). The “Create Your Own Peace – Imagine, Create @ Inspire Change” art show opens on the evening of Februa...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. Syria: At least 3,000 volunteers are actively involved in aid operations for the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, and approximately 10,000 volunte...

Photo of the Day: Charity skate in Sherbrooke

The president of the local speed skating club in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Bernard Beaupré, laced up his skates for a good cause last week, completing 200 laps around the rink in just over an hour! Through this effort, he helped raise over $1000 in ...

Hope for recovery from St. Albert, Ontario

Donna Boyd shows off St. Albert cheese curds produced at an interim factory  One of the most important cheese producers in Eastern Ontario and West Quebec, the St. Albert cheese factory, was destroyed in an industrial fire early last week. The commu...

Photo of the Day: Exploring humanitarian law with Ontario teachers

Late last year, 15 teachers and 5 teacher candidates attended the second annual Exploring Humanitarian Law Teachers Conference in Hamilton, Ontario. The Exploring Humanitarian Law program provides a toolkit of resources to educate students on the...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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