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Photo of the Day: Red Cross Cold Campout a success

Last week, we blogged about the Cold Campout fundraiser in Halifax. We’re happy to report that despite the chilly weather, 13 high school students and a few supportive adults did indeed spend 24 hours out in the cold and raised $60,000 in the proce...

New London sanitation exhibit to get people talking about poo

Admit it—talk around the dinner table at your house most likely never turns to what happens in the privacy of the washroom. The folks at the London School of Hygiene @ Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) are trying to change that with a new exhibition. It’s ...

Students raise funds through Red Cross Cold Campout

Halifax high school student Samantha Miller will be honoured with the Canadian Red Cross Young Humanitarian Award on October 24 for her outstanding volunteer efforts. Her decade-long involvement in charitable work is deserving enough of the accolades...

Photo of the Day: Kindersley Walmart celebrates successful fundraising effort for Red Cross

We appreciate the support of Walmart Canada staff during our annual fundraising campaign in stores across the country. In Saskatchewan, where we are always up for a little competition, we recently delivered on a promise to reward staff from the store...

Happy 100th birthday Mrs. B

Guest entry by Dan Bedell, Communications Director for Atlantic Canada Attending somebody's 100th birthday party is a rare occurrence but several Canadian Red Cross staff from Nova Scotia had that opportunity this past Sunday and in doing so learn...

Photo of the Day: Hearts and Crosses

Our friends at momstown are celebrating their 5th birthday with community events across the country. Canadian Red Cross has set up information booths at many of the celebrations to share information on topics such as disaster preparedness or firs...

Shout out to Red Cross volunteers

Have you ever been affected by a disaster? Come by Walmart this weekend and say thanks to the volunteers who help the Canadian Red Cross deliver emergency assistance to people just like you. In support of the Canadian Red Cross Walmart campaign th...

What the British Red Cross is up to during Olympics

Check out this great infographic from the British Red Cross to see what Red Crossers are doing during the Olympics (besides cheering on their athletes!) @

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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